What makes Play Pizzazz 'Mindful'?  

About Mindfulness 

Being Mindful is about being connected. Professor Mark Williams, former director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, says that mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment (NHS online). It's about being present emotionally and physically at the same time. This is such a vital part of play with our children, but all too often this is difficult to prioritise or achieve in today's world.  We can help with that. Our techniques and sessions are all about immersive, creative experiences that will bond you and your child through a shared experience. What can be more mindful that that? Oh and it's so much fun. We promise you will make some memories. Just take a look at our testimonials and our Facebook page.

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About Wellbeing 

It's worth mentioning wellbeing if we are talking about Mindfulness. Wellbeing is the idea of being healthy and happy... or ideally all three! Lots of reports have been written on well being in terms of where we live or our relationship with work. It's becoming an increasingly interesting idea to us that there are small things that we can do; small changes that we can make to our approach to life that can have a really positive impact on how happy, and indeed 'well', you feel. Your relationship with your children through positive play is one of those things. 

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